Consider Passages Plus and Spark Female as replacements.
Ingredients: Tang Kuei, Cnidium, Paeonia, Poria, Atractylodes, Alisma, Sargentia.
Combination’s Energy Level: Neutral.
Combination’s Taste: 45% Sweet, 15% Piquant, 15% Sour, 15% Bitter, 10% Salty.
Main Meridians: H and SP.
1. Easing of pregnancy and related problems: morning sickness, miscarriage, labor pains, production and quality of mother’s milk. Rich nutritional value for the mother and baby during pregnancy, labor/delivery, and breast-feeding.
2. Female nutritional problems and anemia.
3. Dizziness, headache, heavy-headedness; shoulder pain; lower back pain; weak knees and/or legs; tinnitus.
4. Menstrual problems: cramps, irregular flow, premenstrual syndrome.
5. Rebuilding of damaged tissues of uterus after abortion, miscarriage, etc.
6. Depression and nervousness due to hormone imbalance.
7. Acne stemming from a hormonal problem.
8. Increase of blood circulation and immunity.
9. Lubrication of joints.
10. Adjustment of blood pressure (high or low).
11. Female hormonal imbalance.
12. Tipped or poorly positioned uterus.
13. Bladder and urethra infections, yeast infections, kidney infections.
14. Infertility.
15. Chronic infections (men and women).
16. Tense shoulders and neck in young women.
17. Cold hands and feet in young women.
18. Endometriosis.
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