Please consider “Cholesterol Formula“, Wood Element as possible replacements.
Ingredients: Bupleurum, Pinellia, Poria, Cinnamon, Scutellaria, Jujube, Chinese Ginseng, Dragon Bone, Gigas, Ginger, Rhubarb.
Combination’s Energy Level: Low Warm.
Combination’s Taste: 40% Sweet, 30% Piquant, 25% Bitter, 5% Salty.
Main Meridians: Rather neutral and balanced between the meridians, except energizes H (which therefore eases up the liver’s work) while sedating LV and GB.
1. Liver damage, recovery from hepatitis.
2. Cardiovascular diseases, coronary artery problems.
3. Adjustment of blood pressure (high or low).
4. Chronic prostate problems.
5. Nervous breakdown, depression, anger.
6. Forgetfulness, confused thinking.
7. Chest pain (inside or outside).
8. Gallbladder disorder.
9. Weight control.
10. Addictions (assistance in quitting smoking, drinking and drug taking as well as lessening of withdrawal problems).
11. Hair loss.
12. Weak willpower. Kidney weakness and infection. 13. Sexual disorders.
14. Epilepsy.
15. Mental disorders, improving brain function.
16. Improvement of food absorption.
17. Heartburn.
18. Fatigue.
19. Alzheimer’s disease.
Note: Rhubarb may encourage bowel movement in those with diarrheal sensitivity, so proceed with caution starting with low doses and after consulting a doctor or health practitioner.
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